Ray Wylie Hubbard and the Prophet Isaiah

Entering Advent and a line from a Ray Wylie Hubbard song jumps into my mind, “Patience is a virtue that I don’t possess.”

I can relate. I live in a world where, “Just Do It,” is the mantra. Waiting in line at a fast-food joint for 5 minutes can send me over the edge, I expect information in seconds from my smart devices whether accurate or not.

Advent … a time of waiting, reflection, a pause from decorating, cooking, shopping, entertaining, and holiday preparations seems like a contradiction. Is Advent even relevant? It’s been thousands of years since the prophet Isaiah told of the coming of the Christ child. That event has come and gone, what then or we waiting for?

The answer is in three words. “Come, Lord Jesus.”

Not just a prophecy but an invocation that transcends millennium. It doesn’t end at Christmas. As Christians, it envelopes us through every phase of our life. We are praying that he comes not just into the world but enters every part of our lives.

“Come, Lord Jesus.” Is a prayer for us, our families, our friends, our nation, and the world, through all seasons.

“Come, Lord Jesus.”

It’s worth a pause, a reflection, and waiting.


Though hardly sacred a great introduction to Ray Wylie Hubbard, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFY97qNrfyo

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